Mongoose: v2022.02 RT Adjust Object Notes Attach Functionality in Web - Product Use |
Enhancement to make use of note attachments in WebClient that can contain URLs |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.02 RT WebClient DataView Gap Child Level Summaries - Product Use |
Multi-level dataviews support summaries below primary levels |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.02 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.02 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.03 RT Rewrite Data Type Change Process to Use SqlConnection - Product Use |
Rewrite Data Type Change Process to use SqlConnection |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.03 RT Add Form Report Page Totals - Product Use |
Add Form Report Page Totals |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.03 RT Insert Space Before Colon in French (France) and French (Canada) Locales - Product Use |
Insert Space Before Colon in French (France) and French (Canada) Locales |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.03 RT Farm Wide API and Reports Record Cap - Product Use |
Farm Wide API and Reports Record Cap |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.03 RT WinStudio Update to Latest IDS Standards - Product Use |
UI changes: Toolbar Icons and recoloring - Ui Changes: Toolbar Icons And Recoloring To Match Ids 4.5 Styles |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.03 RT Add Prompt to Save Layout for Dataviews - Product Use |
Add Prompt To Save Layout For Dataviews |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.03 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.03 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.04 RT Implementation of Import/Export AES Metadata via Deployments and App Metadata - Product Use |
More selective handling of AccessAs on import |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.04 RT Provide App Access to Libraries and APIs Outside Partial Trust - Product Use |
Largely internal; applications can extend, in MT cloud, the set of trusted assemblies |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.04 RT Add Languages - Croatian (hr-HR), Slovak (sk-SK), Lithuanian (lt-LT) to Core Mongoose - Product Use |
New languages now reported as formal enhancements |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.04 RT Add a Git Option for Staging - Product Use |
Support for Git's staging feature for the UI and IDO metadata source control interface |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.04 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.04 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.05 RT Update User Profile Dialog Untranslated Dropdown Lists - Timezone & Language - Product Use |
Facility supporting a translated list of languages; derived property added to LanguageIDs; default UI isn't changing however |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.05 RT Customer Extensions to Repl Doc Metadata - Enforce R/O For Repldoc By Accessas But Allow Copy and Add of Elements and Attributes - Product Use |
R/O by accessas to protect upgrade, but allow elements/attribute addition w/ export/import; support document copy; improve cross reference ins/upd script (internal) |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.05 RT New ReplDoc Keyword to Retrieve BOD Element Position - Product Use |
New repldoc keyword to add element position during outbound BOD construction |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.05 RT FormSync: Eliminate (or Reduce) Sequence-Related Prompts - Product Use |
Effort to reduce prompts, especially given the move to flex layout, no longer prompt on container sequence change (old/new vendor, and customer) |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.05 RT FormSync - Implicit KEEP for Event Handlers - Product Use |
More prompt reduction: new KEEP keywords prevented many prompts on event handler chain changes by new vendor; we can infer this safely in some cases |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.05 RT Exclude Tables Which Customers Can't Add Columns - Product Use |
List of tables to which customers are prevented from altering schema--target is mongoose metadata (ui/forms, and IDO) tables; list locked by saas license key |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.05 RT Application Schema Table Metadata Stabilization Through Form Validations - Product Use |
Add validation logic to table and column metadata forms preventing bad data entry that will subsequently disrupt uplifts, especially site-split trigger regeneration |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.05 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.05 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.06 RT Replication Trigger - Column Exclusion List - Product Use |
Reduce chattiness (e.g. LastActiveDate on UserNames) to datalake, BODs. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.06 RT Option to Hide DataView Summary Labels For Excel Format - Product Use |
Normal summaries have Sum: in front; for excel this prevents direct usage in formulas; option to suppress |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.06 RT IDO Server Healthcheck IDO Ping Mechanism Added and Used - Product Use |
Largely internal; deeper but more efficient endpoint for usage in health checks |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.06 RT From Email Address Domain Override at Site Level - Product Use |
For cases in which the intranets from email is used, a site-level override is now available (AES, depends; Taskman, always) |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.06 RT Web DataView Advanced Filter Operators - Product Use |
Clause-level control for AND vs. OR operators on advanced filters |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.06 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.06 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.07 RT Disabling Hiding Previous and Next Month Arrows From Calendar Control - Product Use |
Calendar component's month view has an option to hide next/prev buttons |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.07 RT SMTP Email Enhancements Domain Validation - Product Use |
AES and TaskMan emails will, when the feature is enabled, restrict to customer-validated FROM email domains |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.07 RT Execute Remote IDO Method Calls in Remote Sites Databases - Product Use |
Replication via methods can now return results when the target site is not in the same database; SP implementation could do this, but dotnet couldn't prior |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.07 RT Guardrails for Mongoose Client-side Diagnostics - Product Use |
UI diagnostics can be very verbose; in MT cloud need to guard against impact; customers can get these for a period of time into Log Monitor as needed |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.07 RT Background Task Profile Parameters Add Enterprise Printer Support - Product Use |
In addition to the general enterprise printer (IDM) support, an event handler can directly specify a specific enterprise printer |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.07 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.07 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.08 RT New Features for IOBox-IMS Switchover - Product Use |
Calendar component's month view has an option to hide next/prev buttons |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.08 RT Replace SessionContext Table Usage - Product Use |
AES and TaskMan emails will, when the feature is enabled, restrict to customer-validated FROM email domains |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.08 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.08 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.09 RT Swagger Collection and REST API Wizard Improvements - Product Use |
Improvements to the API Wizard to provide more complete Swagger Docs |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.09 RT Monocle for IDORuntime - Product Use |
Monocle for IDORuntime |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.09 RT Remove 'Help' from Right Click Menu - Product Use |
How to Remove/Suppress Auto Populated 'Help Item From Right Click Popup Sub Menu |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.09 RT DataView Wizard - Product Use |
New DataView wizard builds and connects criteria form |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.09 RT Option to Disable Right Click in User Preferences - Product Use |
Disable right click for mobile interfaces |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.09 RT Drag-and-drop Collection Properties onto Form - Product Use |
Drag-and-drop Collection Properties onto Form |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.09 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.09 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.10 RT Timezone Conversion Optimization - Product Use |
Timezone Conversion Optimization |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.10 RT Restrictions on SMTP Methods - Product Use |
Restrict SMTP Methods Being Called from IDO Extension Class and Have a Configuration Setting to enable domain validation |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.10 RT Azure Storage Blob as File Server - Product Use |
Azure Storage Blob as File Server |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.10 RT Store Mongoose Configs in Azure BLOB - Product Use |
Use Azure BLOB to store MongooseConfig files for Mongoose running in Azure Cloud |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.10 RT Allow for Null Access as Imports - Product Use |
Import AccessAs controlled objects with NULL - Make It Possible To Import Accessas Controlled Objects Whose Values NULL Or Ue_ To Take The Target Environment's AccessAs Value |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.10 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.10 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.11 RT New Copy Notes SP Replacement for Existing Copy Note SPs - Product Use |
Improvements to the API Wizard to provide more complete Swagger Docs |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.11 RT Bindable Form Component Input Mask - Product Use |
Monocle for IDORuntime |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.11 RT Add Extension Bundling to Deployment Form to Support T2V - Product Use |
How to Remove/Suppress Auto Populated 'Help Item From Right Click Popup Sub Menu |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.11 RT Remove Google Cloud Print References - Product Use |
New DataView wizard builds and connects criteria form |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.11 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.09 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.12 RT LoadCollection REST V2 API Calls Provide More Rows - Product Use |
LoadCollection REST V2 API Calls Provide More Rows |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.12 RT Increase Password Complexity to Latest ISO Standard - Product Use |
Increase Password Complexity to Latest ISO Standard |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.12 RT New Form Script API for Intra Form Communication With Extend/Replace Support - Product Use |
New Form Script API for Intra Form Communication With Extend/Replace Support |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2022.12 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.12 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.01 RT ISO Taskman RunExeTask Should Enforce a Safe List of Allowed Executables - Product Use |
ISO: Taskman RunExeTask should enforce a safe list of allowed executables |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.01 RT Upgrade Development Libraries to Support IDM Dependencies - Product Use |
Upgrade Development Libraries to Support IDM Dependencies |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.01 RT Toast Option for Event Handler Messages - Product Use |
Toast Option for Event Handler Messages |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.01 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2022.12 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.02 RT New Report Output Format to Support Excel CSV - Product Use |
New Report Output Format to Support Excel CSV |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.02 RT Ability to Cancel Running TaskMan Processes Including SQL SPID - Product Use |
Ability to Cancel Running TaskMan Processes Including SQL SPID |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.02 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2023.02 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.03 RT T2V Add Tagging To Extension Bundles - Product Use |
T2V Add Tagging To Extension Bundles |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.03 RT Form and Global Script Cancellation - Product Use |
Form and Global Script Cancellation |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.03 RT Support Visual Studio 2022 Script Editing - WinStudio - Product Use |
Support Visual Studio 2022 Script Editing - WinStudio |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.03 RT Policy Change - Disabling Replication at Runtime Will Not Disable Send to Datalake - Product Use |
Policy Change: Disabling Replication at Runtime Will Not Disable Send to Datalake |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.03 RT Provide XML and Export/Import APIs for the Contents of Core Tables - Product Use |
Provide XML and Export/Import APIs for the Contents of Core Tables |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.03 RT What's New |
What's New in Mongoose 2023.03 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.04 RT Publish Replication Metrics to Monocle - Product Use |
Publish Replication Metrics to Monocle |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.04 RT Provide Delete Capability for ReplicatedRows3 and ShadowValues Data by Site - Product Use |
Provide Delete Capability for ReplicatedRows3 and ShadowValues Data by Site |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.04 RT Web Client Enhancement-Tab Key at the End of a Grid Adds Row - Product Use |
Web Client Enhancement-Tab Key at the End of a Grid Adds Row |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.04 RT Automatically Get More Rows As User Scrolls - Product Use |
Automatically Get More Rows As User Scrolls |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.04 RT What's New |
What's New |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.05 RT Change Report Output Format via AES- Product Use |
Change Report Output Format via AES |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.05 RT Disallow Customers from Deleting Infor Standard Groups - Product Use |
Disallow Customers from Deleting Infor Standard Groups |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.05 RT Enable TCP Keep Alive for Mongoose Web App Connections - Product Use |
Enable TCP Keep Alive for Mongoose Web App Connections |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.05 RT UI Themes and Personalization in OS Portal - Product Use |
UI Themes and Personalization in OS Portal |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.05 RT Web Designer - Script Editor Improvements - Product Use |
Web Designer - Script Editor Improvements |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.05 RT What's New |
What's New for 2023.05 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.06 RT Allow Variable for Setting Record Cap Override Page Size Property - Product Use |
Allow Variable for Setting Record Cap Override Page Size property |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.06 RT Enable Tenant Wide Cache Clear - Product Use |
Enable Tenant Wide Cache Clear |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.06 RT Implement Infor OS User Analytics to Replace Pendo - Product Use |
Implement Infor OS User Analytics to Replace Pendo |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.06 RT Support for Portal V2 In Context Messaging - Product Use |
Support for Portal V2 In Context Messaging |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.06 RT What's New |
What's New In Mongoose 2023.06 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.06 RT ZDT Display Warning During Fixup Window - Product Use |
ZDT Display Warning During Fixup Window |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.07 RT WebClient Search for Events and Form Variables - Product Use |
WebClient Search for Events and Form Variables. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.07 RT What's New |
What's New In Mongoose 2023.07 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.07 RT Enable Deployments Form to Use Export/Import to Disk - Product Use |
Enable Deployments Form to Use Export/Import to Disk |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.07 RT Restrict Report Viewing to the Authenticated User Who Generated the Report - Product Use |
Restrict Report Viewing to the Authenticated User Who Generated the Report |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.07 RT Improvements to AES BOD Processing - Product Use |
Improvements to AES BOD Processing |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.07 RT Report Record Cap Notification - Product Use |
Report Record Cap Notification |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.08 RT Web Client Enhancement - Add WinStudio CTRL Keys To WebClient - Product Use |
Web Client Enhancement - Add WinStudio CTRL Keys To WebClient. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.08 RT Option to Fail Capped Non-Bookmarked LoadCollection API calls - Product Use |
Option to Fail Capped Non-Bookmarked LoadCollection API calls |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.08 RT What's New |
What's New In Mongoose 2023.08 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.09 RT Using Get More Rows For Tile Forms |
Get More Rows For Tile Forms |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.09 RT Using Add Application Script API To Create Temporary Global Variable |
Add Application Script API To Create Temporary Global Variable |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.09 RT Using Combined and Collapsing Menu/Toolbar With User and Theme Options |
Combined and Collapsing Menu/Toolbar With User and Theme Options |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.09 RT Using What's New In Mongoose |
What's New In Mongoose 2023.09 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.10 RT Using Extend IONAPI Servers and External App Parameters to Support SyteLine IDM Interface |
Extend IONAPI Servers and External App Parameters to Support SyteLine IDM Interface |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.10 RT Using Option to Exclude Forms from the All Forms Listing |
Option to Exclude Forms from the All Forms Listing |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.10 RT Using Allow for Scheduling of Manual Replication |
Allow for Scheduling of Manual Replication |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.10 RT Using What's New In Mongoose |
What's New In Mongoose 2023.10 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.12 RT Using Migrate create database off .NET Framework |
Migrate create database off .NET Framework |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.12 RT Using Update WindowsBase and System.Reactive |
Update WindowsBase and System.Reactive |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.12 RT Using DataView Pre and Post Load Events |
DataView Pre and Post Load Events |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.12 RT Using Align t2v tagging UI |
Align t2v tagging UI |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.12 RT Using Security User BOD Support Email Change Even When Username Change is in BOD |
Security User BOD Support Email Change Even When Username Change is in BOD |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.12 RT Using Data Lake Wizard Phase 2 |
Data Lake Wizard Phase 2 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2023.12 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
New Enhancements in Mongoose 2023.12 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.01 RT Using Web DataView Max Record Cap |
Web DataView Max Record Cap. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.01 RT Using Enhance Web Client Details Pane Functionality |
Enhance Web Client Details Pane Functionality. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.01 RT Using No Interruption to Data Replication to DataLake |
No interruption to data replication to DataLake when new tables added but ION settings not refreshed. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.01 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
New Enhancements in Mongoose 2024.01 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.03 RT Introducing Add Drag and Smart Drop to Flex Layout |
Add Drag and Smart Drop to Flex Layout |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.03 RT Using RunReport Self-Cancelling Thresholds |
RunReport Self-Cancelling Thresholds |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.03 RT Using Option For Notebook Tabs to Appear as a Vertical List |
Option For Notebook Tabs to Appear as a Vertical List |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.03 RT Using Data Lake Performance Improvement for Mass Updates |
Data Lake performance improvement for mass updates |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.03 RT Using SQL Columns Form - Add MS SQL Computed Column Information |
SQLColumns Form - Add MS SQL Computed Column Information |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.03 RT Using Drop Languages No Longer Supported |
Drop languages no longer supported |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.03 RT Using Rest API V2 Enhancement |
Rest API V2 Enhancement |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.03 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
New Enhancements in Mongoose 2024.03 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.04 RT Using ALB-Based Health Checks for All Services |
ALB-based health checks for all services |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.04 RT Using Web Client Enhancement: Utilize Web Fonts in Theming |
Web Client Enhancement: Utilize web fonts in theming |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.04 RT Using Enhance Purge Audit Log so it Avoids Timeout Failures and Excessive Impact |
Enhance Purge Audit Log so it Avoids Timeout Failures and Excessive Impact |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.04 RT Using Support Default for Accent Color, from Portal or Standalone |
Support Default for Accent Color, from Portal or standalone |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.04 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
New Enhancements in Mongoose 2024.04 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.05 RT Using Form Aliasing |
Form Aliasing |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.05 RT Using Add Ability to Disable Audit Triggers Similar to Replication Triggers |
Add ability to disable audit triggers similar to replication triggers |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.05 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
New Enhancements in Mongoose 2024.05 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.06 RT Using Phase 2 of Pruning of the All Forms List by Permissions |
Phase 2 of pruning of the all forms list by permissions |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.06 RT Using ZDT Reduce Risk of Uplift Failure from Trigger Generation Processes |
ZDT Reduce Risk of Uplift Failure From Trigger Generation Processes |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.06 RT Using Implement CSP/SSP-based Feature Switching into Mongoose Core |
Implement CSP/SSP-based Feature Switching into Mongoose Core |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.06 RT Using X509Certificates Cryptography Library Added to Core as IDO Extension Class |
X509Certificates Cryptography library added to core as IDO extension class |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.06 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
New Enhancements in Mongoose 2024.06 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.07 RT Using Enablement of T2V Local Packages in Self Service Portal |
Enablement of T2V Local Packages in Self Service Portal |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.07 RT Using Ensure Translation Updates Do Not Cause a Loss of Translations on Failure |
Ensure translation updates do not cause a loss of translations on failure |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.07 RT Using Adjust Cloud Install for Containers |
Adjust cloud install for containers |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.07 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
New Enhancements in Mongoose 2024.07 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Using ZDT FormSync Retains Multiple Sets of Prompts and Supports Vendor Update Prior to Synch |
ZDT FormSync retains multiple sets of prompts and supports vendor update prior to synch |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Using DataView Configurable Column Height |
DataView Configurable Column Height |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Using Report Data Attributes |
Report Data Attributes |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Using IDO Request Quarantine List |
IDO Request Quarantine List |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Using Create a New Form to List EXTGENs Present in the Database |
Create a new form to list EXTGENs present in the database |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Using Extend ObjProperties-based IDO to Include Standard Extension Class and PreLoadCollection Event Handler |
Extend ObjProperties-based IDO to Include Standard Extension Class and PreLoadCollection Event Handler |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Using Add the Secondary Button Theme Subclass |
Add the Secondary button theme subclass |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Using Access Compare/diff/one-way Merge Logic from the Edit Stored Procedure Form |
Access compare/diff/one-way merge logic from the Edit Stored Procedure form |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.08 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
New Enhancements in Mongoose 2024.08 |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Inbound BOD Cleanup |
Cleanup mechanism within Mongoose to delete old inbound BODs |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Expression Editor Breadcrumbs |
The goal of this project is to make editing Expressions more user friendly by adding the containing expression to the UI of nested expressions. This will show how the nested expression is used within the larger containing expression. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Create a PurgeHistoryData Event Handler called from an AES Event Trigger to purge BGTaskHistory records |
This course will discuss how the Application Event System will be used to call the PurgeHistoryData event handler to clean up BGTaskHistory records in the database. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Mongoose IDS Realignment Phase 1 |
For identified inconsistencies, enhancements will be applied against Mongoose controls to achieve IDS UI compliance. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Enhancement for External App Parameters form |
This new feature aims to support the development of an automation tool meant to help verify the configuration of Birst Integration Environments. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using New Core Infrastructure for Process Mining |
This course demonstrates the new process mining infrastructure that was added to Mongoose core. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Add flex layout header to new Notebook Tabs as Dropdown feature |
This course illustrates how to use the new flex header to the new notebook tabs dropdown feature |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Prevent customers from deleting required vendor startup methods |
This course will discuss how Mongoose and the IsSytemRecord column will be used to stop Infor delivered StartupMethods from being deleted. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Selective regeneration of audit triggers |
This course demonstrates how to regenerate audit triggers for tables with schema changes only |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Smart Client Removal |
This course discusses why the smart client will no longer be supported. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Using Improve widget rendering times and concurrency |
This course covers how the widget forms will each have their own lightweight session on the server so that requests can be processed concurrently, improving overall performance. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.10 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
All new enhnacements that are included in the Mongoose 2024.10 release |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.11 RT Using Add DataViews to Extension Bundles for Deployments & T2V |
New feature that allows for DataViews to be exported through Deployment form and can be added to Extension Bundles. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.11 RT Using Allow some Event Triggers to be Active by customer control and disable TaskListCheck by default |
Allow customers to be able to control the Active flag for some AES Event Triggers controlled by a new column with a value specified by Infor. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.11 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
All new enhnacements that are included in the Mongoose 2024.11 release |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.12 RT Using Dynamically apply Accent color from portal |
A functionality to apply the portal accent color to the theme class has been added. Additionally, the AllowPortalColorOverrides theme property has been introduced, which can be set to True or False, to apply portal colors to the Infor themes. |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.12 RT Using Allow tooltip to have string substitution |
New feature will allow binding tool tips to the a property/variable to give them the full string value on hover |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.12 RT Using Support for html body and multiple attachments to the SendEmail APIs |
Added SendEmailExtended ido method to support html body and multiple attachment |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.12 RT Using Move the Notes & Documents icons to 2nd Level in the MG toolbar |
The Note and Documents icons moved to the first extension of the combined toolbar |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2024.12 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
All new enhnacements that are included in the Mongoose 2024.12 release |
0.25 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.01 RT Using Move configuration information from XMLs to relational data store |
Allow configuration data currently stored in XML files to be moved to a database store, enabling performance improvements in large multitenant environments, especially during frequent configuration changes and zero-downtime uplifts. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.01 RT Using Create a form to manually scan the IDO and trim down Blobs |
This course covers the new Image Optimization utility that will allow customers to resize binary image objects used in a Mongoose application to JPG or PNG formats. This image optimization will be helpful when resizing images for Tile Forms and help improve performance when navigating through records and collections of data with embedded images that have been resized. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.01 RT Using Support Named Callouts in Designated Stored Procedures |
This course covers the new Support for Named Callouts in Designated Stored Procedures |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.01 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
All new enhnacements that are included in the Mongoose 2025.01 release |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.02 RT Using Optional Log buffer for Log Monitoring Service |
This course covers the new optional log buffering before writing to log file to reduce the file IO overhead and CPU utilization. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.02 RT Using Design editor for diagram control |
This course covers the project to create a web designer editor for the diagram control. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.02 RT Using Retrieving IDM document id (PID) through the File Server |
This course covers the script api/extention method to get the PID from IDM file path. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.02 RT Using the updated Configuration Manager |
This course covers the Configuration Manager refactoring of the UI and command line for better command line implementation and for the potential for InforCommon implementations to call C# methods directly. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: v2025.02 RT Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
All new enhnacements that are included in the Mongoose 2025.02 release. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: Using Display configuration/site name in combined toolbar |
This course details the user icon on the Combined Toolbar will now display the current configuration name |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
All new enhancements that are included in the Mongoose 2025.03 release. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Customers,Employees |
Mongoose: Using New IDS Form Type Phase 1 |
This course covers the first phase of the new Infor Design System form type(s) and treating IDS controls as native components in the 2025.04 release |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: Using Dropdown for Additional Form Tabs |
This course covers the new form tab structure in the standard and combined toolbars to retain a minimum size, and provides a dropdown menu for any additional form tabs that are out of view in the 2025.04 release |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: Using WinStudio Stub Removal |
This course details the removal of the informational window that notified customers of the removal of WinStudio exe and Smart Client in the 2025.04 release |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |
Mongoose: Introducing New Enhancements in Mongoose |
All new enhancements that are included in the Mongoose 2025.04 release. |
0.50 Hours |
Partners,Employees |