M3 Training Catalog

Workforce Management (WFM) Course Catalog

Your learning solution for any role and skill-level.

Maximize your potential with innovative training programs developed to help you master your Workforce Management (WFM) solution. Designed for any role and skill level, you ’ll benefit from collaborative and expert led learning.

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Instructor Led Training (ILT)

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Course Name Course Description Course Duration Course Audience
WFM: Implementing Time and Attendance Advanced - Instructor-Led Training This course covers implementing the Time and Attendance module of the Workforce Management application. This supplementary course extends the WFM: Configuring and Administering Time and Attendance Foundation course to include the application of foundational concepts in the following areas: application security, interface configuration, file import, timesheet configuration, pay rules, shift patterns, hour types, time codes, accrual policies, payroll export, and alerts.Course Agenda:WFM: Course Description for Implementing Time and Attendance Advanced Please note: If there are no events scheduled below, but you are interested in future events please contact: inforu.support@infor.com. 32 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Administering Cognos Reports - Instructor-Led Training This course covers Workforce Management intelligence reports using IBM® Cognos® Analytics for enterprise reporting and report authoring capabilities. The course includes how to run, view, and schedule core Workforce Management (WFM) reports as well as create custom reports using various data containers and metadata model in Cognos Analytics. This course is for a multi-tenant environment.Course Agenda: WFM: Course Description for Administering Cognos ReportsPlease note: If there are no events scheduled below, but you are interested in future events please contact: inforu.support@infor.com. 32 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Configuring and Using Time and Attendance - Instructor-Led Training This course provides learners with the concepts and skills to set up the Workforce Management (WFM) application for Time and Attendance. The sequence of setup tasks follows the Infor Process Catalog (IPC).Course Agenda:WFM: Course Description for Configuring and Using Time and AttendancePlease note: If there are no events scheduled below, but you are interested in future events please contact: inforu.support@infor.com. 16 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees

Self-directed Learning (SDL)

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Course Name Course Description Course Duration Course Audience
WFM: Configuring and Administering Labor Forecasting Schedule Optimization - Self-directed Learning This course covers how to set up, configure, administer, and maintain Labor Forecasting Schedule Optimization (LFSO) in Workforce Management (WFM). This training is for version: 7.0.0. Prerequisite course: WFM: Configuring and Administering Time and Attendance This course includes a workbook, demonstrations, reference materials, and access to the Discussion Group.NOTE: Once you have completed your training and the course is still showing as 'in progress' please send an email to us at InforU.support@infor.com and request the course status be updated to 'completed'. 32 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Setting Up the Application for MVS - Self-directed Learning This course provides learners with the concepts and skills to set up the Multi-view Scheduler (MVS) to support the Demand and Staffing Requirements to Schedule Posting business process in the Implementation Accelerator (IA). The sequence of setup tasks follows the IA for job teams, activities, activity types, day part sets, schedule periods, relief activities, leave reasons, call lists, shift display labels, shift and shiftbreaks, staffing requirements templates, shift templates, and schedule generation in the MVS module. Also included is the setup for master rotations, one-time schedule templates, Central Staffing, key performance indicators (KPIs), and billboard groups. This training is for a multi-tenant environment. This course includes a workbook, demonstrations, reference materials, and access to the Discussion Group.NOTE: Once you have completed your training and the course is still showing as 'in progress' please send an email to us at InforU.support@infor.com and request the course status be updated to 'completed'. 16 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees


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Course Name Course Description Course Duration Course Audience
WFM: MVS Training for Managers This course covers common functionality managers may use in the Multi-view Scheduler (MVS). 1.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: IA Processes Overview This course is an introduction to the application scope and Implementation Accelerator (IA) business processes used in Infor Workforce Management (WFM). The course topics provide an overview to the applications most often implemented, how the applications work together in the end-to-end business processes, and how they are used. The goal is to help customers understand how the various applications interface and integrate, leading to the next logical step to set up these applications for an organizations business use. 01 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT MVS Shift Comments and Data Elements - Product Use This course covers the setup and use of shift comments and data elements in MVS. 0.50 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT Technical MVS ASV KPI Callout Product Use This course covers the technical details of the ASV KPI Callout in MVS. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT Technical MVS RCA Sort Order Callout Product Use This course covers the technical details of the RCA Sort Order Callout in MVS. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT Technical Custom Scripting - Product Use This course covers the technical overview and details of the custom scripting feature. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT MVS Central Staffing - Product Use In this course, learn about all the new enhancements added to the MVS Central Staffing screen in WFM version 0.50 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT Technical Time Clocks Advanced Prompts - Product Use This course covers the setup and use of the time clocks advanced prompt feature. 0.50 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT MVS and LFSO Auto Assignment - Product Use This course covers the setup and use of the new Auto-Assignment features in MVS and LFSO. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT Mobile WFM - Product Use This course covers the setup and use of the new Mobile WFM features. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT Time Clocks - Product Use This course covers the details and use of the new Time Clocks features. 0.50 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT Integrating with Birst ST This course covers the details of the WFM ST integration with Birst. 0.50 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT Integrating with Ming.le This course covers the details of the new enhancements for the WFM integration with Ming.le. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.0.0 RT What's New This course provides an overview of the Infor WFM v7.1.0.0 release. 0.50 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.1.0 RT What's New (MT) What's New, introducing MT and highlighting new features since 7.1. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.1.0 RT Birst Spaces and Custom Subject Area - Product Use (MT) Overview of Birst spaces and customer subject area. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.1.0 RT Birst Operational Reporting- Product Use (MT) Overview and demonstration of delivered content including executing and scheduling reports. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.1.0 RT Registering Birst Content - Product Use (MT) How to register Birst content in WFM using the Birst Content Registration Wizard. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.1.0 RT Clock Validations and Responses - Technical Product Use (MT) Overview of the new enhanced schedule validation framework and configuration of swipe responses. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.1.0 RT Architecture Differences - Technical Configuration (MT) General overview of the MT Architecture. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.1.0 RT Functional Differences - Functional Configuration (MT) Functional overview of MT. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v7.1.2.0 RT What's New (MT) What's New, highlighting new features in release (April CU). 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.1.0 RT Creating and Modifying Birst Reports - Technical Product Use (MT) Overview of how to create and modify operational reports in Birst. 0.75 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.3.0 RT What's New (MT) What's New, highlighting new features in release (May CU). 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.3.0 RT Analytics - Product Use (MT) Overview and demonstration of analytics. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.3.0 RT Analytics Administration and Security - Technical Product Use (MT) This release training provides information about the delivered spaces, data sources and discusses how security is implemented for the analytics delivered in this release. The course also covers information about the orchestration tasks necessary to provide the data for the prepackaged content. 0.75 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.1.3.0 RT Analytics Creating Custom Content - Technical Product Use (MT) This release training provides an overview of how to create custom content and provides some best practices. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v7.2.0.0 RT What's New (MT) What's New, highlighting new features in release (June CU). 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2021.7.0.0 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2021.7.0.0 release (July CU). 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2021.09.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2021.09.00 release (September CU). 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2021.10.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2021.10.00 release (October CU). 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2021.11.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2021.11.00 release (November CU). 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2021.12.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2021.12.00 release (December CU). 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.01.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.01.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.02.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.02.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.02.00 RT Form Studio - Product Use This course highlights the new Form Studio feature in 2022.02.00 release. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.03.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.03.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.04.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.04.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.03.00 RT BOD Mapping Framework - Product Use The course covers the BOD Mapping Framework in the 2022.03.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.04.00 RT Self Service Portal - Product Use Product Use course for the new Self Service Portal available in the 2022.04.00 release. 1.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.05.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.05.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.06.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.06.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.06.00 RT PBJ Export - Product Use Stay compliant with Affordable Care Act and learn about the Payroll Based Journal Export feature available in Infor WFM MT, ST, and On-Premise deployments. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.06.00 RT Enhanced Badge Parser - Product Use Use a more robust way of parsing an employee badge to get the identification number needed to allow a user to interact with a clock. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.07.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.07.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.07.00 RT TimeTrack - Product Use Welcome TimeTrack, our new soft clock solution. The training includes a look at the new configuration setup, security features and a product demo. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.07.00 RT Sales Administration Sales Administration course for the 2022.07.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v2022.08.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.08.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.09.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.09.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.10.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.10.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.09.00 RT Integrating with Infor HRT This course highlights details about the WFM integration with Infor HR Talent provided as part of the 2022.09.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.11 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.11.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.09.00 RT BOD Transforms - Product Use This course highlights details about the BOD Transforms feature. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2022.12.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2022.12.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2023.01.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2023.01.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2023.02.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2023.02.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2023.02.00 RT Clinical Science - Product Use This course covers common functionality charge nurses and nursing leaders may use in Clinical Science. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2023.02.00 RT Clinical Science Functional Configuration This course covers the functional configurations necessary to implement Clinical Science. 01 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2023.03.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2023.03.00 release. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2023.04.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2023.04.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2021.08.00 RT What's New What's New, highlighting new features in 2021.08.00 release (August CU). 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2021.08.00 RT Team Schedule Cleanup - Product Use This course provides details on how to use and configure the MVS Schedule Cleanup feature for unassigning or removing MVS shifts in specified date ranges. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2021.08.00 RT Data Migration - Product Use Overview of the Data Migration solution. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Exploring Infor Workforce Management In this course, you will discover and explore the modules and key capabilities of the Infor WFM add-on module to the Infor HCM Suite. You will also learn about key messaging to convey to customers when selling Infor WFM. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: Employees Overview This course is an introduction to employee settings and employee overrides. 0.75 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Scheduling Shifts This course outlines how to create and use shifts. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: Scheduling Shift Patterns This course outlines how to use shifts for creating shift patterns. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using Pay Groups This course outlines how to create pay groups. 0.75 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: LFSO - Configuring Location Hierarchy This course describes how to set up a location hierarchy for LFSO. 01 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: LFSO - Employee Availability Overview This course defines employee availability, availability patterns, and overrides. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: LFSO - Configuring Staffing This course describes how to create a scheduling solution for staff requirements. 0.50 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: LFSO - Scheduling Events This course describes how to schedule special activities for employee schedules. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: Using the Minimum Wage Pay Rule The purpose of this course is to describe the Minimum Wage Pay Rule that is used to flag a timesheet when an employee has a segment of time that fails to attain the location's minimum rate of pay. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Lead Hand Pay Rule The purpose of this course is to describe the Lead Hand Pay Rule that allows for additional premium payments when specially flagged records exist on a timesheet. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Grace Pay Rule The purpose of this course is to describe the Grace Pay Rule that is used to enforce paid and unpaid grace policies that exist within collective bargaining agreements. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Guarantees Pay Rule The purpose of this course is to describe the Guarantees Pay Rule which helps to apply a minimum number of hours when an employee is called in to work outside their regular shift. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the FMLA Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of this WFM timekeeping rule, showing how to manage the rolling period replenishment of balance usages. This rule is primarily used to manage an employees balance for the Family Medical Leave Act, and other State Family and Medical Leaves. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Error Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of this WFM timekeeping rule, showing how to generate a timesheet error message. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Daily OT Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of this WFM timekeeping rule, showing how to automatically generate overtime within a single day, according to different circumstances and thresholds. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Cascade Time Code Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of this WFM timekeeping rule, showing how to apply a cascade action to an alternate balance when a maximum or minimum boundary occurs. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Change Time Code Hour Type Duration Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of this WFM timekeeping rule, showing how to apply time code and hour type changes to work details, based on the qualities of that work detail. Learn how this flexible rule can be used to solve a variety of logical manipulations. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Split Detail Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of this WFM timekeeping rule, showing how to manage day divides, and transition from a single contiguous segment of time to that which spans two distinct dates. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Worked Less than Scheduled Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of this WFM timekeeping rule, showing how to manage when employees do not satisfy their scheduled hours. This rule can be used to indicate to the Payroll system that the employee did not satisfy their required hours. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Balance Transfer Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of the WFM balance management to affect an employee's balance, transferring to another balance, or deducting to zero/minimum. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Examining Day Start Time This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of different day start time parameters and how they impact employee schedules and clock punch processing. The course also discusses the different pay rules which address day divides and 24-hour periods. 0.75 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Introducing Holiday Rules and Analysis This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with an introduction to holiday rules and holiday conditions. Holiday conditions are configured and demonstrated in this course. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using the Holiday Rule and Holiday Average Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the use and configuration of the Holiday Rule and Holiday Average Rule. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Configuring the Recall Rule Describes the use and configuration of the Recall Rule in the WFM Time and Attendance module. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Configuring the Apply Pay Rates Rule Describes the use and configuration of the Apply Pay Rates rule in the WFM Time and Attendance solution 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Time and Attendance - Approvals and Authorizations This course consists of interactive simulations for a variety of common end user tasks. This content is available for Campus Plus members only. 0.50 Hours CAMPUS_PLUS,Employees
WFM: Using the ACA Rule This course provides the System Administrators and Project Team members with a deeper understanding of the configuration and capability of this WFM timekeeping rule, showing how to manage the calculation of qualifying hours for the Affordable Care Act. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: April 2023 Release Overview - Services Industry - Services Updates April 2023 Release Overview - Services Industry - Services Updates. Agenda: Product Overview; Product Highlights; Highlight Deep Dives and Demo; and Additional Resources. 01 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: v2023.04 RT Using Infor OS Portal Course highlighting WFM's adoption of Infor OS Portal in 2023.04.00 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Introducing Platform & System Enhancements This session will introduce new platform-wide Workforce Management technology and system enhancements available in the 2024.04 release. 0.23 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Introducing Auto-Assignment Enhancements This session will introduce new auto-assignment enhancements available in the 2024.04 release. 0.35 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Introducing Scheduling Enhancements This session will introduce new features and enhancements for shift scheduling and planning available in the 2024.04 release. 0.52 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Introducing Reporting & Analytics Enhancements This session will introduce new workforce management-related reporting and analytics enhancements available in the 2024.04 release. 0.17 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Introducing Self-Service Portal Enhancements This session will highlight new Workforce Management Self-Service Portal features and enhancements available in the 2024.04 release. 0.35 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Introducing Time and Attendance Enhancements This session highlights new time and attendance features and enhancements available in the 2024.04 release. 0.37 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Using Auto-Assignment Enhancements This course details the product use of the Auto-Assignment features introduced in this release. 0.77 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Using Platform & System Enhancements This course details the product use of the Platform & System features introduced in this release. 0.83 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Using Self Service Portal This course details the product use of the Self Service Portal features introduced in this release. 0.58 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Using Time and Attendance This course details the product use of the Time & Attendance features introduced in this release. 1.53 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Using Shift Billboard This course details the product use of the Shift Billboard features introduced in this release. 0.37 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Using Analytics and Reporting This course details the product use of the Analytics and Reporting features introduced in this release. 0.37 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Using Scheduling Enhancements This course details the product use of the Scheduling features introduced in this release. 1.33 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.04 RT Using Clocks This course details the product use of the Clock features introduced in this release. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM Analytics: v2024.10 RT Using UI Uplift Custom Subject Area Refactor This course provides a high-level overview of enhancements delivered in v2024.10 for WFM Analytics using Birst Platform. 0.13 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Introducing Auto-Assignment & Scheduling Enhancements In the course we will introduce new capabilities for Scheduling and Auto Assignment that includes usability enhancements, schedule coverage enhancements, and open shift broadcast updates. 0.40 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Introducing Reporting & Analytics Enhancements Introducing new Reporting & Analytics capabilities for Workforce Management including general usability enhancements, our enhanced data export tool and also Labor Productivity reporting. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Introducing Self Service Portal Enhancements In the course we will introduce new capabilities and enhancements in WFM Self Service Portal that includes updates in My Profile page, Schedule Details display, and Staff Details information. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Introducing Platform Enhancements In this course we will introduce new capabilities and enhancements in various WFM Platform components that includes extension scripts, data migration tool, Form Studio, and product integrations. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Overview This course provides and overview of new features and enhancements across all Time & Attendance and Scheduling Workforce Management modules available in the October 2024 release. Please refer to individual module courses for additional details. 1.33 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Using Productivity Reporting This course details the product use of the Labor Productivity feature introduced in this release. 0.58 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Using Self Service Portal Enhancements This course details the product use of the Self Service Portal features introduced in this release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Using Platform Enhancements This course details the product use of the Platform features introduced in this release. 0.58 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Using Time & Attendance Enhancements This course details the product use of the Time & Attendance features introduced in this release. 0.58 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Using Scheduling & Auto-Assignment Enhancements This course details the product use of the Scheduling and Auto-Assignment features introduced in this release. 1.32 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: v2024.10 RT Using Clocks Enhancements This course details the product use of the Clocking features introduced in this release. 1.32 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM Analytics: v2025.01 RT Introducing Report Catalog Reorganization and ES Shift Table This course provides a high-level overview of enhancements delivered in v2025.01 for WFM Analytics using Birst Platform. 0.12 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Time and Attendance Overview Welcome to the WFM: Time and Attendance Overview course. This course provides an overview of the Time and Attendance module in the Workforce Management (WFM) solution and covers a high-level introduction to Time and Attendance concepts, terms, benefits, and functionality. 0.50 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Introducing New Features and Enhancements in Platform This session will introduce new features and enhancements in WFM Platform. v2025.04 release. 0.17 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Introducing New Features and Enhancements in Time & Attendance This session will introduce new features and enhancements in Time & Attendance. v2025.04 release. 0.47 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Introducing New Enhancements in Data Collection WFM Data Collection: Discover new capabilities for data collection such as meal confirmation for HTML clock and support for extended badge length. v2025.04 release. 0.33 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: Introducing the Open Shift Manager This session will introduce the new Open Shift Manager, previously known as Billboard Manager. v2025.04 release. 0.25 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: Introducing New Features and Enhancements in Scheduling & Assignments This session will introduce new enhancements and features in WFM Scheduling and Assignments. v2025.04 release. 0.53 Hours Partners,Employees
WFM: Using New Features and Enhancements in Platform Learn about the new features and enhancements in Platform area of the product. Feature Release 2025.04. 0.55 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using New Features and Enhancements in Reporting & Analytics Learn about the new features and enhancements in Reporting & Analytics areas of the product. Feature Release 2025.04. 0.37 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using New Features and Enhancements in Time & Attendance Learn about the new features and enhancements in Time & Attendance area of the product. Feature Release 2025.04. 0.62 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using New Features and Enhancements in Time-Off Learn about the new features and enhancements in Time Off Planner area of the product. Feature Release 2025.04. 0.27 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees
WFM: Using Open Shift Manager Learn about the new features and enhancements in Open Shift Manager, previously known as Billboard Manager. Feature Release 2025.04. 0.25 Hours Partners,Customers,Employees

Training Guide

Course Name Course Description Course Audience

Exam Guide

Course Name Course Description Course Audience

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